1789 1916 angel's share bardstown bardstown bourbon company barn barrel barrel head barrel proof barrel top barrels basil hayden black and white blended whiskey boone county boone county distillery boone county distilling company boone county small batch bourbon bottle bottled in bond bourbon bourbon barrel bourbon barrels bourbon bottle bourbon glass bourbon standards bourbon whiskey bung burgin kentucky christmas clermont clermont ky closeup color covington devil's cut display distillery distilling process dixie distributing company dowling brothers distilling company dowling de luxe elijah craig evan williams fermentation fermentation vats fermenter gift shop heaven hill heaven hill distillery heaven hill distillery sign here tiz here tiz! james b beam distillery james b. beam distilling co. jim beam jim beam distillery kentucky straight bourbon whiskey knob creek ky. lord dowling louisville ky old bourbon bottle old oscar pepper oop pendennis club rickhouse santa santa claus shot glass sign small batch small batch 1789 small batch bourbon smoke smoke photography standards of bourbon the dixie distributing company warehouse